Angelo Federico Arcelli | Government and Public Institutions
Angelo Federico Arcelli
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As a Partner in the Government and Public Institutions practice, Frederico serves a variety of clients in the public domain, including multilateral development banks and organizations, central banks, and selected areas of governments. It’s a quickly evolving environment that often requires “a tailor-made approach, a capability to understand sensitive issues, and a need to adapt findings to specific backgrounds,” he says.

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I believe that public-sector consulting, when linked to an evolving environment such as multilateral organizations and central banks, can connect senior stakeholders and policymakers in a dialogue about strategic changes.

Prior to joining Oliver Wyman, Federico held several positions at the European Investment Bank (EIB), serving as senior adviser to the vice president of EIB and later senior adviser to the EIB governor for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. As his career progressed, he served as an adviser and member of the Executive Board of the World Bank and as an adviser in the Independent Evaluation Group, part of the World Bank Group.

“My professional life has often been divided between my business activities and my academic engagement,” says Federico, who holds a MSc in economics and a PhD in economic history from Bocconi University, and is currently a full professor at Università Marconi and a professor at Cattolica University in Piacenza.  He is also a Senior Fellow of the Center for International Governance Innovation “CIGI” in Canada. “Since joining Oliver Wyman, I have managed to transform my experience and my academic track record into a valuable source of inspiration for my activity with clients and to engage in new initiatives at the firm and with colleagues,” he describes.

Working with public policy clients, particularly international ones, he notes, restricts him from going into great detail on his efforts, even his success stories. That said, the work itself is rewarding. “It is really a matter of individuals finding motivation in small things, maintaining a conscientious approach to details, and, at the same time, being able to see in perspective the evolving picture,” he says. “Often, big changes start with little initiatives.”

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