Responding to the climate challenge is a transformational journey that is crucial to companies everywhere
Green Champions of Oliver Wyman (GROW)
GROW is a global community of colleagues who seek to make real impact through supporting Oliver Wyman’s commitment to sustainability, particularly at the local office level. GROW and Oliver Wyman for Society often join efforts to sponsor hands-on and skills-based volunteering focused on the environment.
Introducing GROWTrees
In December 2021 we announced our reforestation program, GROWTrees. Since then, we have worked with the nonprofit, One Tree Planted, to give our colleagues the opportunity to have a voice in supporting seven reforestation projects throughout the globe that focus on not just planting, but growing trees over time. These projects also provide co-benefits that protect wildlife, promote food and water security, support indigenous communities, and improve long-term climate resilience. We also recently joined the Million Mangroves Program with Climate Impact Partners, and continue to find opportunities to volunteer for urban tree planting in our communities.
Climate Academy
Oliver Wyman’s Climate Academy is a learning and training curriculum designed to give all consulting staff the tools they need to execute high impact strategies for our clients through the climate transition. Our program expands upon the Climate Risks Online Academy developed in 2019 with the European University Institute (EUI), with curriculum built in partnership with top tier external providers and internal experts.
Antarctica Ambassadors
In 2022 we revived a special tradition and sent a colleague on an expedition to Antarctica with Sir Robert Swan and the 2041 foundation. Our ambassador, New York-based Principal, Kaja Pergar, was the winner of a blind essay contest and joined others from 35 nations to witness the effects of climate change on Earth’s southernmost continent. Her work will continue as she tells her story to colleagues, clients, and others to raise awareness of the challenges we face together.