Cory Cruser | Lippincott | London
Cory Cruser
Partner, Lippincott
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Cory is a Senior Partner at Lippincott, an innovation partner of Oliver Wyman that designs and shapes some of the world’s most iconic brands and experiences. He advocates for customers, helping businesses focus on solving the problems that make people’s lives better.

Cory helps organizations in the following areas: brand, innovation, design, experience, marketing, and activation and he admits to taking a near-obsessive approach to tackling client problems  - the harder, the more insurmountable, the better. 

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I pride myself of being a bit of an armchair Buddhist, who loves theatre and dance. I try to bring this energy and passion to my client work, finding new ways to help businesses play leapfrog with their competition by inventing new ways to solve peoples’ problems.

Cory has spent the last 15 years focussed on data insights and digital execution. That combination has allowed him to create experiences that blur the lines between digital and physical experiences, often resulting in never-been-done work. 

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I’m a firm believer in lifelong learning. If I could meet any historical figure, it would be Franklin D. Roosevelt. I would simply ask him to teach me his wisdom.