Junyan Boon | Digital and Financial Services | Singapore
Junyan Boon
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Junyan is a Singapore-based Principal in our Digital and Financial Services practices who specializes in digital transformation, corporate strategy, change management, and non-financial risks. Over his career he has led many transformation programs, setting up new functions and developing new capabilities that leverage the latest tools and techniques. These allow businesses to harness the power of data to improve efficiency and drive growth, and also establish more data-driven cultures.

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Building a data-driven culture means changing the way teams view and act upon data. It hinges a lot on making sure the right people in the organization have access to the right data, and possess the right data-literacy skills to make better decisions

When undertaking major transformations programs, Junyan takes a hands-on approach to helping organizations define the change required and tone from the top, so that stakeholders across the entire business buy into the vision and understand the part they play in generating impact. Junyan particularly enjoys solving complex issues with his teams and clients, and pinpoints this as the most fulfilling aspect of his job, both as a consultant and as a trusted advisor to leading companies in the region. 

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Every client has a unique situation. A lot of our work involves facilitating animated debates, so everyone in the room has the chance to contribute to finding the right solution. It’s not always easy to come up with the answers, but I find our work very enjoyable and inspiring!