Troy Meadows | Oliver Wyman Actuarial | Columbus
Troy Meadows
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A Principal with Oliver Wyman Actuarial in Columbus, Troy, specializes in property and casualty actuarial services. 

He also has experience in ratemaking, reserving, predictive modeling, and capital modeling to insurance companies, self-insureds, and governmental bodies.

Starting his career at Nationwide Insurance lent Troy a unique perspective. “Consultants frequently work in many different capacities for insurance companies, but having worked as an in-house actuary provides valuable insight about the business that would be very difficult to glean only ever having worked as a consultant,” he says.

Since joining Oliver Wyman in 2017, Troy has assisted clients on a wide variety of projects, including reinsurance pricing for property and casualty excess and proportional treaties, loss reserve models and uncertainty estimation, SAS and SQL database engineering, and the development of implementation of multivariate models (GLMs) for pricing segmentation, among many others.

Looking toward the future, Troy sees a particular challenge for insurers who were already struggling to find reinsurance capacity even before the uncertainty brought about by COVID-19. 

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Now more than ever, it’s important that small to mid-sized insurers have strong class plans based on multivariate models to limit adverse selection in the marketplace and help ensure positive underwriting results.

His advice to professionals entering the field is to not immediately dive in to too narrow of a focus. “There’s a lot to like about the actuarial profession, and you don’t want to miss out on a chance to experience the best that the career has to offer!”

Troy’s ambitions outside of Oliver Wyman are to focus more on family and volunteerism. “Getting in a little more traveling wouldn’t be too bad either,” he says. Troy is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.