Medicare Advantage

What We Do

We assist Medicare Advantage organizations to strategically develop products and rates to align with the specific strengths of their own business model. Our pricing teams employ flexible modeling methods allowing clients to implement the products they need to succeed. We partner with organizations beyond the pricing process to provide creative solutions to unique problems and ensure our clients optimize their market position while mitigating downside risk.

Medicare Advantage Services
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Double Quotes
We don’t just provide service to Medicare Advantage organizations. We are strategic partners that help them take care of their people while also achieving ultimate business goals.
client partnership

Critical steps in a Medicare Advantage client partnership

Step 1

We begin by assessing where the business currently sits in the marketplace and determining profitability by product type.

Step 2

Then we evaluate the client’s own goals and consider the future strategic position of their products.

Step 3
Deliver Product

Finally, we develop shared assumptions and approaches, while leveraging a robust set of adaptable tools which help achieve both a competitive and profitable product.

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Our tools
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We provide customized actuarial services and strategic insight, supporting clients as they strive to exceed their business objectives. Our exceptional client and employee retention exemplifies our commitment to relationships built on trust, responsiveness and clear communication. Our clients can further capitalize on Oliver Wyman’s services through our partners at Marsh McLennan Companies: Marsh, Mercer and Guy Carpenter — world leaders in insurance and risk management consulting.

Who We Are