What We Do

Chemicals companies around the world are facing disruptive change. While navigating the challenges that come with operating in an evolving environment, businesses must also address longer-term strategic questions to achieve profitable growth and incorporate environmental, sustainable, and corporate governance. It’s time to act.

We are partners at a time of transformation, providing the in-depth expertise needed to not only identify but also understand upcoming challenges and their implications for the chemicals industry. Working across operational facets, we help organizations get one step ahead to navigate an evolving landscape and create breakthrough impact.

Our Chemicals Expertise
Corporate strategy
We assist chemicals enterprises in developing, building, and operating strong businesses that deliver sustained stakeholder value.
We advise businesses on cutting procurement costs, mitigating sourcing risks, and advancing supplier management in light of rising transparency requirements.
manufacturing and operations
We help chemicals companies tackle operational issues, such as low asset productivity, high logistics expenditures, and cost.
supply chain
We use proprietary tools and methods to help clients design and implement winning supply chains and network strategies.
Mergers and acquisitions
We support businesses across the entire deal lifecycle, from conducting business due diligence to advising portfolio strategy and post-merger integration.
Commercial Excellence
We work with clients to analyze all aspects that may influence their overall pricing model and advance internal commercial capabilities.
In the current environment, senior executives are continuously facing new challenges. Therefore, it's more important than ever to focus on areas that increase long-term competitive advantage and improve profitability. We work with change-oriented CEOs that see the need to systematically improve underlying organizational capabilities across functional areas.
Varun Ratta, Global Head of Chemicals
It’s all about being able to accompany clients on their transformation journey in an uncertain environment — always with an eye on what’s doable and pushing levers that will generate lasting impact.
Iris Herrmann, Partner
Our work is focused on important transformational topics for our clients operating in the chemicals industry. We help them think through often unstructured complex problems and deliver tailored implementable solutions.
Andrew Horncastle, Partner

Our impact:

increase in revenue for a leading chemicals distributor through pricing actions
cost reduction for an agrochemicals and seeds company through production improvements by leveraging digital
EBITDA growth year-on-year for 3 consecutive years, for a global $3 billion water treatment and paper processing chemicals manufacturer
basis points expansion in margins for a leading US construction materials manufacturer through a commercial and digital capability transformation program

What We Think

Inflation and the Big Pricing Dilemma for Corporations

Inflation and the Big Pricing Dilemma for Corporations

Five ways to rethink your pricing strategy in tough times

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The Chemical Industry Outlook for 2023 and Beyond

The chemical industry is transforming, with options becoming imperatives.

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The chemicals sector is transforming as leaders explore how to future–proof the industry’s business model and adapt to new workforce challenges.

Chemicals at a Crossroads

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Supply Chains In Uncertain Times

Supply Chains In Uncertain Times

Five levers to unlock the full potential of sales and operations planning

View Outlook


Responding to Inflation in a Volatile Environment
Chemicals companies around the world are facing volatile inflationary pressures, while striving to incorporate environmental, sustainable, and corporate governance initiatives. We help teams develop targeted pricing response plans to maintain or even grow margins in this environment. Watch our video to learn more about Oliver Wyman’s customized digital tools.

Who We Are

We are thought leaders that bring operational knowledge and deep insights from across the entire chemicals value chain to help transform business models, so clients can withstand the industry challenges ahead.

Get in touch

Our global team of chemicals experts are ready to help you create breakthrough impact.

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