Video: 3 CEOs, 1 Age of Disruption, and a Conversation on the Way Forward

Video: 3 CEOs, 1 Age of Disruption, and a Conversation on the Way Forward


Leaders of Presence Health, Independence Health Group, and Livongo discuss adopting new business models and delighting the consumer in today's transforming market.

Michael Englehart, Dan Hilferty, and Glen Tullman

Amidst all of the uncertainty and disruption of today, three innovative leaders from the payer, provider, and digital health space share their thoughts on what it takes to lead – and succeed – in the future healthcare market. 

In this video, captured at the 2016 Oliver Wyman Health Innovation Summit, Michael Englehart, president and CEO of Presence Health, Dan Hilferty, president and CEO of Independence Health Group, and Glenn Tullman, chairman and CEO of Livongo, share expectations for future CEOs. 

"These iconic, well-branded organizations, unless we change, unless we embrace innovation, unless we figure out how to engage on a value-based way with the provider community, we're going to lose," says Hilferty. 

Watch the video below. 

  • Michael Englehart,
  • Dan Hilferty, and
  • Glen Tullman