Our work to date has been for large, complex organizations who view sustainability as strategic imperative. As such, we aim to build for our clients their own emissions reporting capability, which they can comfortably operate themselves with minimal dependency on us after our work is completed.
Our system comes with hundreds of thousands of emissions parameters already pre-integrated.
We also deliver to our clients our extensive library of abatement actions, which includes the
emissions impact, cost uplift and timing of each action.
Exhibit 1: ESRS Delivery Program
Source: Oliver Wyman analysis
During the initial phase we typically work with a snapshot of a company’s enterprise data.
This data is amalgamated and our automated mapping routines are deployed to calculate, or
validate your own emissions estimates. After this, we map these activities and emissions into the
various greenhouse gas (GH)G protocol.
Next, we utlize our databases of abatement actions and levers to generate targets and abatement pathways
for each emission category. These forecasts are fed into regulatory submissions, or into our processes,
for validating targets against science-based target initiatives SBTi pathways. Our adaptable data layer can then be built upon and integrated into
other workflow systems and applications.
Climate change might appear more daunting compared to other challenges companies face, however, the first step towards resolution is
understanding its scope. This involves measuring emissions and dentifying their sources.
Exhibit 2: Illustrative Oliver Wyman CSRD program
Source: Oliver Wyman analysis
Most of our clients have already made good progress calculating Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which are derived from a company’s operations and power usage. Our
role involves validating these numbers, supporting with abatement actions, setting targets, and feeding into SBTi and regulatory
For Scope 3, we often play a much more prominent role in helping our clients to calculate
the emissions in their complex supply chains and downstream activities
To establish your Scope 3 emissions baseline in accordance with ISO14064 standards, we implement a meticulous process
that begins with a pilot designed to minimize workload for your internal teams. Sunsequently,
we build a supplier engagement strategy to improve the accuracy of the data. A key aspect to our
approach is the transparency and auditability of both the datasets we use and the way
we map them to your inventory. Together we create a baseline that will serve as the
foundation for your decarbonisation strategy.
Exhibit 3: Example Scope 3 carbon accounting project approach
Source: Oliver Wyman analysis
We work with industry experts across Oliver Wyman to deal with the inevitable complexities of large organizations, leveraging our automated toolkits and industry-specific data models.
Exhibit 4: Oliver Wyman Carbon Accounting industries covered
Source: Oliver Wyman analysis
Automotive. Our automotive emissions models go deep into the automotive supply chain
with a strong emphasis on component-level upstream Scope 3 emissions as well as downstream
(tailpipe) emissions.
Aviation. Our aviation emissions models include all the major aircraft families and
cover upstream and supply-chain emissions, maintenance, and extensive fuel analysis.
Chemicals. Our models calculate emissions from the sourcing, production and transportation
of chemicals and associated products. We cover industrial and inorganic chemicals, plastics,
materials, synthetics, soap, cleaners, paints and agricultural chemicals.
Financial services. Building onOliver Wyman's deep expertise in financial services, our
models help firms understand and calculate their financed emissions for their portfolio. They
also help banks to support their customers to adapt to this changing world.
Food and agriculture. Our food module models emissions from agriculture
and land use through to food processing, packaging, and delivery.
Manufacturing. Covering consumer products including white goods and electronics,
our models consider the raw materials required, means of production and transportation
together with life in service by the consumer.
Media and sport. We model emissions associated with the creation of ads and their
placement in the media, as well as evaluating Scope 3 for sports clubs and institutions.
Mining and metals. Our materials modules calculate the emissions from the
extraction and refinement of materials such as oil, gas, cement, steel, aluminium,
and chemicals. These models are also used as inputs into our manufacturing models.
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Our pharma models can work from a simple list of drug
brand names or a more detailed inventory. Either way, we consider the active and non-active
ingredients including packaging and transportation.
Power and utilities. Our power module forecasts the emissions intensity of
the national power grids of 167 different countries and can be analyzed at the
level of individual power plants.
Textiles and apparel. Our retail models consider the fabrics and
packaging materials used by the world's most storied fashion houses and
largest high street groups.
Transportation. Broadening our work beyond automotive and aviation,
our transportation expertise includes trains, shipping and logistics.
Waste. Our models consider the emissions associated with the various
forms of treatment, including incineration, landfill and processes that sequest carbon.
Please get in touch with us, whether you have a general enquiry, would like to see if your firm or organization is eligible for a free pilot analysis, to book a demo, or if you'd like to join our team. There are no long forms to fill out. Simply send an email, and someone will be in touch.
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