When you need an informed, balanced, and crisp view on any topic, and needs it fast, Amara is who Oliver
Wyman turns to first. And so given her passion for the environment, and 15 years of experience working
in the energy sector, it is no surprise that when it comes to climate Amara is positively encyclopedic.
This depth of knowledge, combined with her love of data, allows the 3D Carbon Accounting team to call
on Amara's skills to deliver client work, make our models world class, and ensure our research is the
best in the business.
Despite the very real and urgent climate challenges we face, Amara remains positive and optimistic.
“Humankind has shown time and again that invention and ingenuity can solve complex problems.
I want to play my part by helping companies measure their emissions so that they can target
reductions to achieve net zero. If you are a parent like me then you feel the clock ticking.
You realize that there is something far more important in life, and that you have an obligation
to do your share to preserve this beautiful planet, however small it may seem.”
Amara enjoys hiking with her family and embarking on travel adventures — a real highlight being a
trip to China, Tibet and Nepal. One thing that has defined her as a person, and which she cherishes,
was the significant part of her life spent living in different countries: four years in Spain, six years
in the UK, and a year studying in the US. Seeing the world in all its beauty has given Amara the
motivation to help protect it. And, in turn, Oliver Wyman treasures her.