Bloomberg: David Waller On Generative AI In The Workplace

With the rise of Generative AI, many companies are now trying to assess whether and how it will be helpful for them to expand their productivity. At the same time, employees are worried if they are going to be replaced by AI.

David Waller comments for Bloomberg: “chief executive officers and employees alike are unsure what to do with it”, he says. “This is a new situation, and it will influence everything, and transform the whole economy. No one knows, though, how this new economy will look like and function.

“Most companies are panicking because they feel like they must be the ones who are behind—everyone else is doing something behind the scenes that is grand and impressive,” Waller says. “And many of these people are finding themselves having to answer to their board of directors as to why they’re also not doing things that are grand and impressive.”

The article states that AI change —like the change which happened with steam engine, electricity, or the internet— and with all this type of earlier technologies, will not happen overnight.

Read the full article here (paywall).