Gulf News: No Reduction In Travel Despite Omicron

Gulf News: No Reduction In Travel Despite Omicron

Dubai-Riyadh is world's busiest international route now at about 284,000 seats, followed by Cairo-Jeddah at 282,413 seats, and Dubai-London Heathrow at 253,567 seats, despite the emergence of the #Omicron variant. Transportation Partner Andre Martins analyzes the situation in Gulf News, saying that with mega-events such as Dubai’s Expo, the city has emerged as a leading global tourist spot with point-to-point traffic beginning to represent a bigger share. He added that the latest wave of restrictions as a result of the Omicron variant would not have a huge impact on global air travel demand. “As far as I'm aware, there is no discussion taking place to fully enter into a lockdown - I think the governments are way more cautious when it comes to the implementation of these types of policies.”

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