social impact

Bob Woodruff Foundation

National Intermediary Initiative – market positioning and services proposition


While no single service or agency can address the needs of all veterans, our country does have tens of thousands of nonprofits, government programs and private dollars offering services and support. This vast network of veterans’ stakeholders has resulted in a complex, fragmented services ecosystem that is lonely to navigate, has disparities in access to services and is variable in outcomes across and within American communities.

The Bob Woodruff Foundation (BWF) has worked for a decade with a range of partners (leading nonprofits, corporations, the military and the government) to find, fund and shape innovative programs to support veterans returning to their families and communities. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administers a broad set of benefits and services programs that provide health, financial and other support to veterans, their families, and survivors. Together, the two organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to take on the challenge of bringing the best from the government, nonprofit and for-profit sectors to drive improvement in access, experience and outcomes for veterans and their families.

This project has been enormously gratifying for all involved. Bringing the concept to the point of launch is exciting and a tremendous source of pride in the power of Oliver Wyman to do good in society.
John Boochever


Oliver Wyman teamed with BWF to validate the market need and develop the service offerings, value proposition and roadmap, to bring the concept of a national intermediary in the veterans’ space to life. First, we assessed the current state of the market to validate the opportunity at the local community level and to identify more specifically the unmet needs of all stakeholders. Using our market assessment and examples from other sectors, we then developed a portfolio of services that could be introduced over time to meet the needs of different stakeholder groups and types of communities. Working with Lippincott, we were able to articulate a set of value propositions for the entire veterans’ ecosystem and each of its constituents, as well as develop branding guidance and potential options. Lastly, we developed a roadmap that outlined the fundamentals required to stand up and scale the national intermediary. As part of this roadmap, we explored a series of sustainable revenue models for the new entity.

As a veteran, the opportunity to work on the National Intermediary concept resonated with me on a personal and professional level. I was able to leverage my consulting skills to impact a community that I am a part of and care deeply about.
Leah Wicks


Our project has received recognition within the BWF and VA community for validating the need and discovering service opportunities for a national intermediary in the veterans’ services ecosystem. The BWF/VA leadership and that of the evolving entity are now equipped with the market proof of need, services to offer, value proposition, and a work plan to stand up the organization, develop the services, and secure the funding required to launch.

The work that the Oliver Wyman National Intermediary team has accomplished is emblematic of the quality work that is the hallmark of Oliver Wyman worldwide. As both a member of Oliver Wyman’s Senior Advisory Board nand the Board of The Bob Woodruff Foundation, an incubator of the National Intermediary Initiative, spotting the intersection opportunity for application of Oliver Wyman’s skill sets was obvious at the outset. What became clearer over time was how impactful the work completed was in crystallizing and accelerating the launch of this national force to be utilized by Veterans from WWII to those just returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan today.
Lisa Pollina