eCommerce Pricing
Revenue Solution

eCommerce Pricing

ContextMany eCommerce players struggle to keep on top of their commercial processes, as the expand their reach across numerous markets and face a substantially higher frequency of competitor price changes. eCommerce players that are not equipped to manage this new pace find that pricing decisions are made late with limited recognition of market context, reducing competitiveness. To unlock higher revenue potential, ecommerce players must have a deep understanding of customer and competitor landscapes on an ongoing basis.

Revenue SolutionOliver Wyman has built a powerful trading tool that allows eCommerce players to make market-informed pricing decisions in an agile manner. Integrating with Oliver Wyman Labs' private cloud infrastructure, we are able to capture and store data that was not previously accessible for our clients, including customer web searches, inventory, costs, prices, and competitor data. By connecting with our client’s trading and pricing systems, adopters are able consider market data and dynamically optimize price.
ImpactTypical deployment experiences have experienced 40%+ EBITDA growth as businesses are able to scale pricing to new geographic and customer segment expansion plans. Users' time to spend on pricing was dramatically increased, enabling more timely and accurate decisions.