Winning the Change Game

Winning the Change Game

In today's complex and evolving economy, leadership has never been so important.

This paper recognizes that changing behaviour is challenging but achievable. It looks at identifying and embedding the leadership behaviours organisations need to motivate their employees and drive improved performance.

There are a number of key questions all leaders should be able to answer before they embark on the journey to drive change:

  • Are you aware of the key behaviours that drive your performance?
  • Are you clear on the leadership behaviours that will accelerate growth in your organization?
  • How much support will there be for your leaders to help them make the behaviour shifts required to achieve your desired organization?

In this paper we share our experience of using behavioural analytics and change techniques to help leaders across the organization to make sustainable changes in their own behaviours to drive change. Over the past 10 years, we have successfully supported leaders across many geographies and cultures enabling them to more effectively meet their goals and engage with their teams and radically improve performance.


Winning the Change Game