Social Innovation

Social Innovation

A Guide to Achieving Corporate and Societal Value

Reducing inequality and accelerating real, meaningful and widespread inclusive growth are the most urgent challenges of our age. Along with governments and civil society leaders, business has an important role to play in addressing these challenges.

Oliver Wyman and the World Economic Forum have collaborated to produce “Social Innovation: A Guide to Achieving Corporate and Societal Value” to highlight how social innovation practices can help companies create social impact while building profitable businesses.

To download a copy of the report from the World Economic Forum website, please click here

Corporate Social Investment

Gaining traction

In this report, produced with Big Society Capital, we showcase to corporations how investments can be used to create sustainable and effective corporate social responsibility programmes that generate financial returns.

In the past, corporate social responsibility has focused on ensuring compliance with ethical standards, promoting sustainable business practices, and making charitable donations. They were often kept at arm’s length from a business’ strategy. Today, new approaches to social investment are being brought into the core business. They are much more varied and can be both direct and indirect: for example, social funds, social impact bonds, and corporate venture capital.

This new approach provides an opportunity for social responsibility to feed into a corporation’s profits: our research, presented in this report, shows that over half of the 557 programmes we analysed were investments that aimed to generate financial returns.

We also explore the barriers to engagement in investment, how to overcome them, and how to leverage these investments in a way that generates truly shared value.

To find out more about the range of social investment programmes Oliver Wyman is involved with, download our Social Impact Annual Report.

World Economic Forum – Social Innovation Report

Social Innovation