The Bigger Digital Picture

The Bigger Digital Picture

Six ways to use e-commerce to reinvent B2B sales relationships in distribution

While e-commerce programmes have been successful at creating a technical and operational e-commerce capability, so far they have failed to generate the customer benefits and financial returns they are capable of achieving.

Done right, we believe there is a massive upside to be captured with e-commerce and more broadly in the digital reinvention of customer engagement. Our experience in both retail and distribution suggests that the most successful e-commerce programmes are grounded in a robust commercial strategy.

There are six ways to help e-commerce programmes start capturing the massive upside, which we explore in more detail in this report:

  1. Use e-commerce to start reinventing customer engagement.
  2. Identify and reduce sales channel conflicts.
  3. Actively manage every customer life stage.
  4. Commercialize customer insight.
  5. Be the best for your best customers.
  6. Build technology that is smart and nimble.


The Bigger Digital Picture


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