What oil and gas companies can learn from the shale revolution

What oil and gas companies can learn from the shale revolution

Four Lessons For Deep-Water Operations

Shale drillers are forging new operating models that will continue to challenge the conventional practices of the oil and gas business in a number of key areas.

At first glance, these operating tactics may appear more relevant for managing a Silicon Valley startup than for running an oil and gas company. Like many high-tech startups, shale drillers manage a rapidly changing set of daily activities and must continuously improve technologies across widely dispersed assets and supply chains to remain competitive.

There are four key lessons from the next phase of the shale revolution that deep-water
operations can benefit from:

  1. Integrate technology and operations more closely
  2. Become more agile
  3. Make better use of data analytics
  4. Re-engineer financial structures

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What oil and gas companies can learn from the shale revolution