Cyber Risk In Asia-Pacific: The Case For Greater Transparency

Cyber Risk In Asia-Pacific: The Case For Greater Transparency

Cyber risk is surveyed and ranked as one of the most prominent risk concerns for doing business in the Asia-Pacific region (as part of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Perceptions Survey).

Part of the quarterly drill-downs into specific “Risk in Focus” series, this perspective illustrates how raising the transparency level is the first key step towards mitigating cyber risk, all key stakeholders (i.e. governments, corporations, and individuals) have a role to play. It discusses how government actions (establishing public-private information sharing platforms), and corporation action plans (mainstreaming enterprise-wide cyber risk management frameworks) can better prepare key stakeholders in building cyber resilience in the changing digital landscape.

Today, at a time of rapid globalisation and growing interconnectivity, we are seeing highly complex cybercriminal networks threatening government securities, businesses operations, and individual privacy issues. In the face of the ever-present and ever-growing cyber threats, all stakeholders in APAC must recognise the urgency for change to better prepare and build cyber resilience.

Cyber Risk In Asia-Pacific: The Case For Greater Transparency