The Equifax Data Breach

The Equifax Data Breach

And its impact on identity verification

Does the Equifax data breach mean that existing processes for confirming the identity of customers no longer work?

Equifax, a leading US credit bureau, has announced that it suffered a data breach resulting in the exposure of critical personal and financial data for 143 million Americans. The implications for the affected consumers are profound. While their credit cards can be re-issued with new numbers, their legal names, addresses, social security numbers, and birthdates cannot.

Given the increasing sophistication of attackers, the question is more likely “when,” not “if” you will be attacked and compromised

In this challenging new world, we see three imperatives for chief risk officers, chief security officers, heads of compliance and line of business leadership. Read our report to learn more about the realities executives must now face in regards to customer identity verification.  

The Equifax Data Breach

And its impact on identity verification