Perspectives On Manufacturing Industries Volume 14

Perspectives On Manufacturing Industries Volume 14

These are turbulent times for manufacturing industries, with manufacturers everywhere around the world confronted with the threat of disruption, profound change, and an emerging recession that has already reached multiple sectors. However, there are measures manufacturing companies can take to not only weather the storm, but to emerge as winners.

The 14th edition of Perspectives on Manufacturing Industries examines and analyzes major trends and disruptions facing the industry, including the impact of AI, the growing importance of cybersecurity in a digitalized world, the disruptive effects of tariffs, and the potential benefits of pay-per-use pricing.

In addition to those broader themes, we dive deeply into concrete product cost-reduction levers for preserving profitability and comprehensive means for achieving lasting performance improvement. But a pure focus on cost would be shortsighted: We also look at how the digitalization of the sales function and how leveraging suppliers in the R&D and innovation process can drive profitable growth.

The voyage ahead is likely to be choppy and challenging for manufacturers – and will call for all hands on deck and that nothing be taken for granted. But there are ways to manage the turbulence and navigate safely through the storm.

Perspectives On Manufacturing Industries Volume 14


Manufacturing In A Changing World

New Sources Of Value