Race Not To Be Left Behind

Race Not To Be Left Behind

Featured in People Management

This article was published by People Management on August 4, 2020, under the title: How White Men Can Be Better Allies On Race.

During COVID-19, inclusion and diversity efforts are more critical than ever. The pandemic is affecting society unequally, and those in marginalised groups are feeling the negative effects most keenly.

At Oliver Wyman, we are lucky to have employees committed to becoming effective allies who supports awareness, dialogue, and action to decrease inequity within our firm and society. 

I thought I was an ally to women. But COVID and Black Lives Matter have taught me I have only been an ally to some women. I am only just starting to understand the complex experiences of Black women, specifically, and changing to make my allyship more inclusive
Christian Edelmann, Partner; Co-head of Financial Services in EMEA; and Global Head of Wealth and Asset Management
As White men we have the privilege of a voice and an audience. We want to use this privilege to share some of what we have learned so far. We are not experts and we are not perfect, but we are getting better
Joe Fowles, Associate and Co-founder of Men4Change

This piece was created with the help of Roianne Nedd, Joe Fowles, and Louise Bradley