Green Transition Index
Energy Journal - GTI

Green Transition Index

By Thomas Fritz, Leopold Zangemeister, and Amara-Maria Willendorf

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The Oliver Wyman Green Transition Index (GTI) assesses the environmental performance of 29 European countries across economy, nature, manufacturing, utilities, waste, buildings, and transport, to identify leaders and best practices in the transition to sustainability.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the analysis highlights that richer countries tend to be further ahead on environmental sustainability. However, two particular clusters stand out – there were some “underperformers” (countries that performed worse in the index relative to their wealth), which included Norway, Ireland, and Luxembourg, and there were some “overperformers” (countries that performed better in the index relative to their wealth), which included Estonia, Italy, and Slovenia.

As a result, the study indicates that a country's wealth may facilitate progress towards more sustainability, but consistent efforts across all dimensions of the economy, and a strong political drive that includes a clear roadmap are equally critical.

Explore the GTI to discover successful best practices and lessons learned, as well as the pitfalls and areas for improvement as markets continue their journey toward decarbonization.

Find out more in the Green Transition Index.