What We Do
Delivering a commercially smart climate transition.
To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the world must halve its emissions in this decade. While climate ambition is growing, we remain significantly off track to deliver on this goal.
It is time to turn climate intent into action.
Corporations need to transition at pace and at scale, and within the normal pressures of sustaining and growing a profitable business.
Oliver Wyman helps clients pursue a commercially smart transition, enabling leadership teams to deploy their financing, operating capabilities, and customer relationships to achieve outcomes they were never designed for.
We bring together deep industry and functional expertise from across Oliver Wyman, the Oliver Wyman Forum, and Marsh McLennan to break down climate transition challenges and bring a competitive edge to clients.
What We Think
How To Build A Circular Economy
Andrew Morlet, CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, explains the circular economy and his vision for building a regenerative, restorative economy
Read MoreProcurement's Journey To Sustainability
Procurement's unique position within a company can drive real change when it comes to sustainability.
Read MoreBreakthroughs
Who We Are
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