14th Bancassurance Asia Summit 2022

14th Bancassurance Asia Summit 2022

Location: Singapore Date: October 31 - November 2, 2022


At the 14th Annual Bancassurance Asia Summit taking place physically in Singapore, leading bancassurers across the region will look at how you can develop effective Bancassurance products, strategies and partnerships that generate results and profitability, amidst and Post pandemic.

Hear influential Bancassurance leaders share their strategic perspectives on Driving Customer Centricity in Bancassurance, Best Practices in Product Development and Differentiation to Match Evolving Customer Needs and Preferences, How to Develop seamless customer journeys, deploy targeted analytics to understand consumer segments and leveraging digital strategies for bancassurance

Oliver Wyman Sessions

October 31 08:30 – 11:00
Successful Bancassurance Strategy & Partnership Development Post-Pandemic
Workshop leader: Ajit Rochlani, Principal, Insurance, Oliver Wyman

The COVID-19 Pandemic has thoroughly changed the Bancassurance Market Landscape and how Bancassurance Partnerships need to evolve. In a postpandemic world, bancassurers must adapt and reinvent their operating processes, distribution channels, strategies and partnership models in order to stay relevant, competitive and achieve success in bancassurance deals and partnerships.

That said, there are many challenges and key considerations and this is why you need to attend this Workshop A as we look into how you can evaluate your current bancassurance strategies and partnerships to ensure they are feasible and actionable in a post-pandemic era.

Key workshop takeaways include:

  • Building effective partnerships: Key Ingredients Post-Pandemic
  • Ensuring your Bancassurance Strategy is aligned to current market conditions
  • Post Pandemic vs Pre-Pandemic: What has changed and how can your strategy evolve
  • Choosing the right distribution & Business models for your organization
  • Key considerations in fulfilling Bancassurance market potential for you

November 2 14:05 - 14:50
Leveraging Digital Channels to Drive Bancassurance Initiatives and Accelerate Value Creation
Ajit Rochlani, Principal, Insurance, Oliver Wyman
Allwyn Barreto, Partner, Insurance & Asset Management, Oliver Wyman

  • Effective Business & Operating Models for Your Digital Bancassurance Initiatives & Alliances
  • Aligning with the new consumer context and notion that every sell on digital channels
  • Key ingredients of a successful bancassurance partnership that distributes through digital channels
  • Reinventing existing bancassurance initiatives through digital acceleration
  • Expanding customer segments and embedding effective sales practices
  • Deploying targeted analytics
